Showing thread: Selling Titles.
Dain Bramaged
BLID: 32917
April 2, 2016 16:18:31
I was recently having a thought about titles. I was thinking; wouldn't it be good if you could sell titles for, maybe, boss coins? I'll explain further;

If you have loads of unwanted titles, what are you going to do with them? Chances are you wont use them again. So, how about a sell option to get rid of those? Rarer titles would sell for more, whereas common titles (cheap to buy) titles would sell for less. I hate having to see my title list full up of unwanted titles, and I'm sure that I am not the only one that thinks this. I was also thinking the same for pets, however, I do not really think this would work as well.

Share your opinion on this idea below, disagree or agree, I don't mind. Thanks for reading.
BLID: 164884
April 4, 2016 10:55:35
I have asked this many times on the server, and admins start hating once this is brought up, just to sum it up.
Obviously, since I have asked for it before, I am in favor of being able to sell titles and/or pets.
I don't have many titles, but I have a raptor pet I would be willing to sell or something to fund more BC for the Kaje pet, since I never use it due to my dragon pet.
BLID: 31596
April 4, 2016 14:38:57
It'd be better if you could hide titles, and /hiddentitles to see them, because being able to sell them is basically buying a guitar, using it for a few days, then refunding it and buying a better one for a few more dollars the next day, and just keep doing that until you have an extremely expensive title. Same with selling pets. Basically it'd turn into a leveling system for aesthetics.
BLID: 164884
April 4, 2016 19:08:06

Quote from: Drydess
It'd be better if you could hide titles, and /hiddentitles to see them, because being able to sell them is basically buying a guitar, using it for a few days, then refunding it and buying a better one for a few more dollars the next day, and just keep doing that until you have an extremely expensive title. Same with selling pets. Basically it'd turn into a leveling system for aesthetics.
First off, good comparison(I can't think of a better word atm).
However, you are still going to be spending the same amount of BC for a title. Perhaps it would be like a 50%-75% refund, so not completely refunded. This would still make people want to be cautious about buying a title because it could mean losing BC for no reason. Even a 25% refund(or so) would probably work.
If this option were to be available, I wouldn't really see it as a "leveling system" for aesthetics, especially if it's not a complete refund. In the long run, if you treat it like a leveling system and go for the cheaper titles up to the more expensive ones, you are going to have to spend a lot more time than usual to get to the expensive ones.
On a side note, you should be able to sell your pet in this game that you don't use anymore. After all, you can sell your pet in real life if you want to(I don't recommend it, but it's possible). Again, like with the titles, you wouldn't get a FULL refund, but a half refund or so.

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